Cartha’s Search For Valhalla’s Tears

This high-Fantasy, coming-of-age tale follows a group of teens chosen to prove their value with a quest to locate Valhalla’s Tears, the one sword that can overthrow an increasingly corrupt governmental tyranny. This sword, vanishing from the land of Cartha thousands of years prior, has been the objective of such journeys for generations, but with a little magic, luck and a ton of tenacity, the village elders believe that Allo and his companions might just have a chance for success.

This group, consisting of a Human boy, an Elvin girl, a Halfling male, a part Giant male, a Dwarvin male and a Half-Elvin male mage, setting out with what they can carry. They will have to defeat the beasts and demons that populate this D&D inspired world, along with agents of the government who know that their power will be stripped from them should Valhalla’s Tears be recovered. However, it seems that it’s not just the creatures and men conspiring against them, they must also use their skills and knowledge as well as their courage to traverse dangerous caverns and ford raging rivers and the like.

This epic journey, told through the eyes of Allo, is sure to rekindle your love for the High-Fantasy genre. It combines the best elements of traditional carefully created worlds with plenty of unpredictable action, politics, life-long romance and friendships in ways which is sure to please even the most avid of readers.

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